Sonntag, 27. März 2011

Jonas' instructions

I did some brainstormig on these introductions of Jonas   

1. -he has to introduce like everyone else or he has to introduce especially depends on how the others have to introduce
-no time between school and training because his training is lavish and time-consuming training  

2. -hard and exhaustive training
-Jonas needs time to rest
-no recreation time

3. -has to get beyond their thoughts to get closer to the entire community

4. -has to be kept secrets
-he has many advantages because he is rare and special

5. -his dreams have to be kept secret
-could be dangerous if another member hear them  -> they  could get afraid but they want to keep their community a Utopia

6. -his mental pain is an experience 
-makes him strong for the following "procedures"
-he need his experiences of mental pain

7. -can't leave the community because he get to know too much
-he's to important for the community

8. -have to keep the secrets

As to come to a conclusion you can they that "The Giver" has to stay because he's too rare so they cannot eliminate him like others  or  they want to keep their secrets in the system  or  both          

In my opinion now the community fits right more into the image of a surveillancestate than ever befor.

Chapter 9: Just a bit confusing

Hey everybody,
for chapter nine I wanted to point out what Jonas feelings are and I wanted to test something really new. So I picked out some songs in piano version and started creating my own " Jonas-feelings-backgroundmusic". It bears on the beginning of chapter nine [til 57/4]. While preparing my backgroundmusic I figured out that it's hard to catch the perfect tempo because everybody has got his/her own reading-tempo. Some slow - some fast. Because I don't know how fast you are in reading English texts I focused the "backgroundmusic" on a slower reading-tempo than mine. Doesn't mean that it fits your tempo and 'cause it could be dizzying to figure out where's a cliff or a pause I made a scan with the locations where you can take a deep breath :) .
Please note that it's not suitable for a "first reading task" more for a "pre reading task".You won't need your book!
It's just to get deeper into Jonas feelings by listenign to the music. 

It's a bit smal but I think you'll not have this much problems to read it

cr: I own this video on YouTube but I will add the original YouTube link because you might look at it (just better to read)

Mittwoch, 23. März 2011

A different look on the Community's system

As contrast with the earlier post about the Community's system this post will be abput the structure of the various buildings in the community.It's my point of view how they could be arranged.

lighter green area - factory buildings (at the right-hand side in the lower corner)
orange area - office buildings (on the right-hand side in the upper corner)
purple area - dwellings ( on the left-hand side in he lower half)
darker green - fenches ( all around the community to keep the members safe in their district/ no contact with other communities)

                                        River                                where 

It actally breaks the mold ^^

cr: I own this picture it's selfmade :)

Montag, 21. März 2011


In this post I'll present the buildings we get to know in the book (until chapter 8).

The Auditorium is the place where the whole community attends the ceremonies and other public meetings. 

The Childcare Center is the place where the children ( under Eight) spend their after school time. 

The Department of Justice and Law judges about illegalities. (not the area of responsibility of the commitee ->Assignment)

The Dwelling area is the place where each family unit owns their own house. They're arranged in rows. 

The factory buildings are the place where the members of the several assignments produce their tribute to the existence of the community.

The Food Distribution is a hall from where the Food Delivery Service hand out the food for the entire community.

The Hall of Open Records is the most recollecting building/place in the entire community. It's the place where all the dates and all the processes are visible for everyone.

The House of the Old is the place where the elders of the community spend their "rest time".It's a happy and joyful place.At the House of the Old they celebrate the release. 

The Nurturing Center usually is a joyful and cheerful place.It's the building where the newchildren get feed, swaddled, raised and where they spend their "latency". 

The Office buildings are the place where the citizens -which have an assignment where you don't produce any goods- work. 

The Rehabilitation Center is the place where doctors and nurses dress a wound or have a look at someone who has a bad stomachache.
The Recreation area is the place where the younger one's spend their recreation time. 

And last but not least the School where the children learn nice and useful things for their after-life as an adult.

cr: from all over google i don't own any of them

Mittwoch, 16. März 2011

Characterization of Jonas

Jonas is the sensible, thoughtful and intelligent protagonist (hero) with strange powers of perception [26/1-5] that he doesn't really understand now. He is carefully of language ( always searching for the right words to describe his feelings [11/33]). At the Ceremony of Twelve Jonas is selected to be the next Receiver of Memory in the community. He has pale, solemn eyes ( the other members have dark eyes) [23/7+8] and the common neatly scissored hair.

Jonas' Eyes

That's what I think Jonas' eyes perhaps look like
 ( the gif shows the difference between the eyes which most of the members own and than the pale eyes of Jonas)

Dienstag, 15. März 2011


here's a list of all the assignments I found in the chapters one to six :

  • Nurturer
  • A position at the Department of Justice
  • Childcare center leader
  • Instructors of every description ( school, for the groups, swimming ...) ( for different things the children had to learn)
  • Laborers of every description ( sanitation, cleaning) (hard physical work)
  • Ingeneer
  • Doctor
  • Birthmother ( each 3 births than laborer)
  • Speaker at the loudspeaker
  • Recreation team (director)
  • Rehabilitation team (director)
  • Food Distribution ( Delivery)
  • Security Guards
  • Landscaping desing
  • Planning committee
  • Caretaker at the House of the Old ( uniformed)
  • Attendants at the Houes of the Old (front desk)
  • Pilots
  • ...
Their assignment will be given to them at the Ceremony of Twelve (-> more at the posts " System of the Community" and " System of the Community from chapter 3 on")

System of the community from chapter 3 on

in addition to the first "The community"-picture 

Donnerstag, 10. März 2011

System of the community

I'm still facing up to my work on the first and second chapter but will soon post what I worked on for the third, fourth and fifth chapter it's just that it is late and my printer/scanner sometimes needs his volunteer hours :).

If you have any questions please subscribe

Montag, 7. März 2011

Portrait of Lois Lowry

  • born Lois Ann Hammersberg on March 20 ,1937 in Honululu, Hawaii
  • because of her parents she came around in the United States (her father was a Army dentist)
  • graduated high school in New York and attended Brown University in Rhode Island
  • married when she was 19 years old (1956, Donald Lowry, U.S. navy officer)
  • divorced in 1977
  • four children (Alix,Kristin,Grey and Benjamin)
  • first worked as a photographer and freelance journalist
  • her first book was A Summer to Die appeared in 1977
  • since she has written numerous children's books
  • for The Giver she received the Newbery Medal "for the most disistinguished contribution to American literature for children" and also other important awards such as The Boston Globe-Horn Book Honor Award
  • constributes own memories to The Giver
  • she's writing about funnny things and serious issues

Donnerstag, 3. März 2011

Info + first impressions

from now on I'll mostly do my posts in aspect of a while-reading activity because I just started reading the book.
My first impressions:

  • in the beginning:strict, forced (contra)
  • after reading a few pages:safety, equality, protection,common weal, interested in a happy society,low crime rate(in aspect of homicide and theft) (pro)
  • influenced by a higher authority (the giver)
  • no individual development(everything is given and planned by a commitee if the giver consents)=all equal
  • rules-if you break up with the rules you wil be released
  • rule for example is that you are only allowed to have two children ,one male and one female;(choosen by commitee and nurtured by a "special department" ,the Nurturers)
  • emotional community (talk about their feelings after dinner)
  • divided in strata (divided in age, career and position in justice-administration)
  • different stratas have different functions

New cover out now!

Get to buy the novel
 "The Giver" by Lois Lowry
   in a new limited cover edition!

Mittwoch, 2. März 2011

Homework 02/03/2011


Homework 02/03/2011

"Am I
The only one who thinks it’s tragic?
This cant be the real world now
No oh uh no oh" (an exerpt from the songs lyrics)


Homework 02/03/2011


Homework 02/03/2011


Ok as a pre-reading task I will try to collect ideas of the content of 

the book.

I'll do it like a flowchart!


old man(cover)

society(like a big family)


in the society they’re all designed equal

giver is a higher position

relation between the young boy and the old man

old man =the giver(still)

old man (the giver) gives the young boy the memories of the members of the society( so the boy is the giver then)

to be the giver is a appeal

demanding appeal


is needy for their society to exist

giver have the power to control the members of society(sits in a control room)

they trust the giver completely

giver takes the identity of the members of society and rule about what they can feel and on what they can remember

everything that the giver allows the members of society he does by telepathies

the giver does a kind of mesmerizing

when a new giver appears the old giver dies